Ujigami Shrine
Once we crossed over the river, we made our way to the small Ujigami Shrine, which is thought to be the oldest standing shrine in Japan, though there are no official records of when it was built, but experts estimate around 1060, and closely link to Byodoin Temple. The path leading to the shrine started with a tori gate with it then being lined with stone latens either site, of which steps climb up to the shrine itself to a second torii gate.

Behind the gate the shrine
is located, although small it was still impressive to see considering its history.

The shrine gained Unesco World Hertiage Site statice in 1994, together with other temples and shrines in the Kyoto area. The main hall is built in one of the most common shrine architectural styles, with a curved asymmetrical roof that extends out more on either side of the main entrance which is to provide shelter for the worshippers.